Student Sponsership

Five underprivileged students from varying year levels were selected by the school for student sponsorship.

Students are granted sponsorship funds from individual members of VOGA Victoria until they finish schooling.

Smart Classroom

Two smart classrooms were funded. Smart classrooms are technology enhanced classrooms used for integrated teaching and learning. These classrooms have projectors, computers, special software and other technologies. This can be used for media prese

Band Costume

Donation given for making the Band costume.

Computer Lab Upgrade

10 desktop computers with web cams and headsets were delivered to the school.

This also help them with televised teaching during school lockdown due to Covid pandemic.

Perfect Blazers, Storage Cupboard and Magazine Printing

VOGA Victoria sponsored 50 blazers for prefects and a cupboard to store these blazers. Printing cost for the prefects induction day magazine was given. 

Prefects induction is steeped in tradition and history dating back many years.

Dare to do right